Potatoes, Irish

Planting Dates:
Jan–Feb (N. FL) Nov–Feb (C. FL) Oct–Jan (S.FL)
Pounds yield per 10 ft:
Plants per 10ft1:
Days to harvest2:
Row spacing(inches)3:
Plant spacing(inches):
Seed depth(inches):
3-4 Seed pieces
(Tomato) Solanaceae
Recommended varieties:
Red Pontiac, Yukon Gold, Gold Rush
Additional info:
Plant 2-ounce certified seed pieces with at least one eye. Each will produce 6-8 potatoes. Do not start with "store bought". Require cool temperatures, moisture, and large amounts of fertilizer.
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1- Use transplants (if appropriate) or buy the amount of seed needed to grow this many plants per 10 feet of row. Seed packets usually state the number of seeds in the packet as well as the seed planting depth and plant spacing for the variety you are buying.
2- Days from seeding to harvest: Values in parentheses are days from transplants to first harvest.
3- Minimum distance between rows (when planting in rows). Row spacing can be reduced or ignored as long as plants are spaced correctly.
4- Transplant Ability Categories: Easy- seedlings easily survive transplanting; Moderate- seedlings survive with care; Hard- Only plant seeds or containerized transplants with well-developed root systems.
5- Rotate plant families; i.e., avoid successively planting vegetables from the same family in the same area of the garden.